

A critical component of the graduate social work program is an intensive field experience. 学生 are required to complete a minimum of 900 clock hours of field education, which consists of a minimum of two (2) days per week, eight (8) hours per day for four (4) semesters of field experience at a pre-approved site with either health care 或者精神健康机构或者其他社会服务机构. 每学期最少 必须在240小时内完成. 实地实习教师将负责 be social work practitioners who have met pre-established criteria and work in various 路易斯安那中北部机构. 每个实习作业为期两(2)学期. A mandatory, monthly field seminar is required for advanced (second year) students.

Because of the geographic area of North Central Louisiana, students may be required 单程通勤一个小时去实地实习. 这是学生的责任 安排与外地机构的交通运输. 会有尝试的 to place students in close proximity to their home base without compromising field 配售. Some students might require a summer block placement that will begin the 从五月的第三周一直持续到八月的第三周. 一旦一个学生 chosen the desire field placement type, concurrent or summer block placement, the student will not be able to change to the other type of placement for that year. 


In addition to fees set by the University, the School also requires a field education 费用$50.每门实地教育课程收费00美元. 这笔费用是用来支付 学生责任保险及监督费用. 这笔费用包含在注册费中 学生参加实地教育的学期费用. 


Applicants for admission to the MSW Program are required to submit the following information:

  • 申请研究生课程.
  • 申请社会工作学院.
  • Evidence of completion of a baccalaureate degree with a cumulative grade point average (GPA) 3分.学士学位学习应包括“36个学分的文科” 课程包括统计学和人类生物学入门课程).
  • A type-written autobiographical statement that gives evidence that the applicant possesses 社会工作帮助专业所必需的个人素质.
  • 三封推荐信.
  • 研究生入学考试(GRE)成绩.
  • 完成实地教育申请.
  • 个人面试.

的 conditional admission requirements of graduate studies will be followed. 选择 for admission is determined by the quality of the total application, academic record, personal references, autobiographical statement, and human service experience. 主要的 emphasis is placed on the selection of students who are well motivated and who have the maturity, personal qualities and intellectual capacity for successful practice 在社会工作领域. 


Applicants who have received a baccalaureate degree in Social Work within the past 6 years from an undergraduate Social Work Program accredited by the Council of Social 工作教育和3.总平均绩点3分或以上. 学生承认 to this program will be required to attend full time beginning in the summer of admission 继续学习两个完整的学期(秋季和春季).




Graduate credits from an accredited CSWE program earned less than six years before application, may be accepted by ——关柏林 for credit toward the degree if they are courses containing the same content as courses required by GSU Master’s program. ——关柏林 cannot accept more than 30 hours credit toward a degree by transfer and a grade of 这门课必须得“B”或以上才能被接受.


的 Regular master’s program may be taken on a systematic part-time basis. 第一个 30 semester hours must be completed within 2 years of initial enrollment and all requirements 都市固体废物学位的课程必须在四年内完成.

的 above requirements do not apply to non-degree seeking and special students. 他们 是个别处理的吗.


的 admissions process generally begins with a request from a potential student for an 招生程序 来自社会工作招生办公室. 的 招生申请表 contains application forms for both the School of 研究生学习 and the School of Social Work along with a summary statement of the School’s history, mission, goal, philosophy of education, requirements for admissions, curriculum course requirements, financial aid information, forms for the references and instructions for completing 自传式陈述. 招生办公室保留了所有请求的列表 pg电子试玩网站程序. 

Upon receipt of any piece of the student’s information, a file is initiated by the 招生员. 如果在30(30)之后没有收到任何信息,则学生的档案 days the initial piece of information is received, a letter is sent to the applicant informing him or her of the needed for additional information to complete the file.

When a student’s Social Work Application file is completed, the School’s admission clerk notifies the coordinator of admission who receives the file and prepares the 提交入学委员会审核. 没有采取官方行动 the admissions committee until the admission clerk receives notification from the School of 研究生学习 that the student has been accepted by 研究生学习.

A completed application file and a notice from 研究生学习 that the student has been admitted sets the stage for the admission committee of the 社会工作学院 确定正式招生委员会会议的日期.

的 admission committee is a School committee composed of faculty members of the School. 的 Coordinator of Admissions serves as a staff member for the admission committee. 主席由委员会或院长任命. 的决定 the admissions committee is sent to the Director of the MSW Program for review. 的 Dean sends acceptance letters to all students who meet the criteria for acceptance 连同指定的学术顾问的名字一起进入该计划. 学生 are not accepted receive a letter from the Admissions Committee explaining the basis 拒绝录取.


的 student is informed of his or her right for a hearing before the admissions committee 如果学生觉得拒绝是不合理的. 都市固体废物主任为主席 负责安排和确定听证会的日期. 结果 听证会的报告将提交给项目主管审核. 在结论部分 of the hearing, a student is informed by the Director of his or her right to appeal to the graduate council if the outcome of the hearing is unsatisfactory for the student. 


没有超过六(6)个学分的“C”等级. 这些学分都不能 实地教育. 


的 School reserves the right to make any changes according to any requirements pertaining CSWE标准,或任何其他可能出现的情况.